Friday, February 20, 2009

His name, was Jason...

So here we are again. But this time is a little different. This time I'd like to share my next painting before much of ANYTHING is even done on it. Normally I'd never do such a thing as I'm insane and think it's bad luck to show off unfinished/unrealized ideas.
But today that's the point. Maybe by showing off/talking about what I'm up to (which really is the point of all this "blogging" business isn't it?), then I'll keep the motivation going strong knowing I'd feel like I disappointed people by NOT finishing. Does any of this make sense?
All that being said, here we have it. My next painting. Thrilling eh?
The idea here is pretty self explanatory. I like Jason, as well as the Friday The 13Th films. Part IV in the series is one of my favorites, but then again, who wouldn't want to see a 6 foot psychopath in a hockey mask attack a 9(ish) year old Corey Feldman? So here we have Mr. Voorhees as he appeared in the film.
What I'm really digging about this shot in particular, is that though you couldn't really see his eyes much in the reference, they ARE there and there IS room for interpretation. Is that the word I'm looking for? Hence the "mask off" reference you see back there, allowing me to play around and semi accurately add his eyes inside the mask. I don't want to make them TOO clear, just a bit more noticeable. We shall see how it all works out.

1 comment:

julio rodriguez said...

well it been a few days any progress?