Moving on...
"Eject; Commence Operation: Shut Your Fucking Mouth!"
This little guy right here is the super loose painting I had mentioned in my previous entry. Again. I've been looking for techniques that work for me whilst experimenting and screwing around. So here you have the product of my boredom. A super loose, Eric Merrill inspired painting of a Transformers Mighty Mugg I own. Cute eh?
The idea when approaching him came out exactly how I had expected it to. If anything he was more an "exercise" in keeping loose. I didn't really go back and tighten anything and I liked it that way. So that's how I kept it. I do believe there is a place for fun little guys like this (he's 5x7 by the way), but I can't see myself CONSTANTLY painting like this. Again though, a fun time passer.
Now then, I had made mention of something that is WAY different from what I'd normally paint. and it is coming I PROMISE, but, I did run into a little wall and as it turns out I had to go forward with something else before starting. The reason being is that I'll be working Hell City in May (my VERY FIRST CONVENTION!), and I need a banner for my booth. That being said. I've been working on getting that done before starting anything else so I have time for printing etc.
If you'd direct your attention to your left, you will see my banner in progress. Soooooo not interesting right? But I thought I'd share being that this is likely the next complete painting you'll see from me. I'm painting it at 9x12, to be scanned at 300dpi, and then printed at 3ftx4ft.
Why this particular piece holds a special place in my heart is because I took the reference photo myself, whilst my father helped me get the cool lighting. So a bit of teamwork between he and I that resulted in a AWESOME photo that I am hopefully doing justice.
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